Team shop

To my team shop

To be able to open your team shop, you must have registered once with your team shop and be logged in. Your Teamshop will then automatically appear in the menu under Teamshop.

What is a team shop?

A team shop is an online shop that is created especially for you, your club, your company or your team.

If you, as the person responsible for the material, have defined exactly which products and which design you would like to offer your members/employees/customers, we will create an online shop for you with your own products. The team shop will be created for you free of charge from an order value of CHF 2,000.00 or EUR 2,000.00.

Who can shop in my team shop?

As soon as your team shop has been created, you as the person responsible for the material will receive a link that leads directly to the login page of your team shop. You can send this link to your members/employees/customers so that everyone can create their personal login and conveniently order online.

Opening periods of your team shop

The products in your team shop are collected and produced to order. Since the order has to be sent to production at a certain time in order to reach you on time, each shop has predefined opening periods. The opening and closing dates are set by the person responsible for the material. If your team shop is suddenly no longer available, it is possible that the opening periods are over and the shop has now been closed.